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ROTA & FSSB Join Hands

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

(2019) In 2011 at our ROTA Advisory Board had the opportunity to meet Sr. Paschalia Nyeura from Tanzania. She had been in Buffalo for over four years in studies at Daemen College. Her mother superior visited this past summer with Fr. Ron to request that their order be included in the 2012 Mission Cooperative of the Diocese of Buffalo. This small community of women religious provides education opportunities for orphan children in Tanzania. They have hopes of building, equipping and furnishing an elementary school and dormitory for the children. The sisters requested and our ROTA Board agreed to assist in the wiring of funds collected from the USA back to their community and explore a possible future relationship with the sisters.

Every year a local group of supporters fundraise to assist the Franciscan Sisters of St. Bernadette who run an orphanage and school in Tanzania. Thank you for your tireless efforts and faithfulness to the Mission of our sister partners in Karagwe, Tanzania. May the Lord bless you all.


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