(2023) Two years ago a young newly ordained parish priest from Cameroon contacted us at ROTA to inquire if we assist parishes in providing adequate accommodations for their parish priests. He revealed to me that just after his ordination he began working diligently at his parish as well as the eight out-station churches that were also his responsibility.

The rectory (parish house) was built years ago but was never finished. It had
no glass windows, no finished floors, no indoor sanitation and water, etc. When I saw the photos of his living conditions, I knew that we had to get involved. Even Jesus said: "The laborer is worth his wage?" (Luke 10:7) As with most projects that ROTA takes on, I took the need to prayer asking for direction. I also made some inquires with clergy from Cameroon and learned that this priest's situation was credible. I requested that he put together a plan and estimate the cost of building renovations. He faithfully carried out my request however, when I saw the amount of investment, I shared with him what we have done in similar situations. This led us to invite him to come to Buffalo and spend some time with us.

Amazingly, he obtained an Government ID card, Passport, and approved USA Visa all within one month. A family member in the USA assisted him with his travel and soon he was spending a few weeks with us. He meet many of our ROTA board members and made fast friends with local people including one person who became a major benefactor of his project back home.
When he returned home last year, it took a few months, but he launched the project that entailed many church members and craftsmen working at the same time to begin the necessary renovations. Thanks be to God for the generosity of so many. God provides!

Work is now well underway. It is hard to keep focused upon which part of the project will be completed first. It has been marvelous to see the transformation especially in the priest's
bathroom, bedroom, glass window installation, and exterior modifications. Final steps include the foundation and a trellis for the water tank.
Finally, in order to proclaim, "Let there be light," solar panels were purchased and the installation is well underway. "May God, who has begun this good work in you, bring it to completion." Thanks be to God!
